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Plain Old Scones...

These scones are loved by my whole family. They are just the right balance of bready and biscuity! Simple and easy to make, they are whipped up in no time. Next time you're in the supermarket pick up a packet of ready made scones. Have a look at the ingredients on the back... there should only be a maximum of 6 ingredients, usually less. As scones aren't particularly low in fat anyway why add extra calories, homemade ones don't have hydrogenated fats ( the ones that stick to your arteries and higher your cholesterol, oils and marg etc) you are using pure butter, yes more calories but a pure natural fat. If you have ever had margarine on your hands and you try to wash it off with hot water it leaves a layer on until you scrub it off. Now if you have butter on your hands and you run it under water its gone straight away, think of that inside you!

So my point at the end of all this, is always make your own or buy ones from markets that are freshly homemade!


Makes 8-10 Big Scones


400g self raising flour

250g butter cut into cubes

75g caster sugar

250-300ml milk

1 egg for egg wash


Preheat oven to 180c

1. Make a crumb out of the butter and flour. Don't make it a fine crumb as the bits of butter is what makes the inside crispy and layered. If the crumb is very fine the scone will be doughy and dense.

2. Add in the sugar.

3. Make a well and add in the milk slowly, you may not need it all so don't pour it all in at once.

4. Bring together with a fork and finish by hand.

5. DO NOT knead the scones just pat it down on a floured surface, allow it to be thick enough if you want a highly risen scone.

6. Using a glass or scone cutter cut into rounds.

7. Place on a floured tray with a gap between each.

8. Egg wash and sprinkle with sugar.

9. Bake for 18-25 minutes until golden brown.

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